Today I was tasked with producing a piece of photographic artwork depicting the beautiful Church of St. Matthew & St. James, in Mossley Hill. It’s a really beautiful building with some great architecture and interesting history, and today with the sun shining and a blue sky, it was the perfect day to produce this piece of art.
Getting the angle right to get the whole building in was quite a challenge – even with my widest angle lens! Because the building is so huge, and the surrounding carpark quite small, I had to crouch down right at the very farthest and lowest point in order to get it all in one shot.
I was also using a very low down tripod, as I took 3 different exposures and then merged the RAW files together to create this HDR image, evenly exposing all the light and dark areas to create an image closer to what the human eye sees. I hope you like it!
If you need some external or internal images of your building, space or business/team at work then get in touch for Photography Services in Liverpool and the surrounding area!