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Client Brief and Requirements

The National Association of Educational Organisations (NAEO) hosted their summer conference at the iconic Leeds United Football Ground last Friday (28 June). The event aimed to provide a comprehensive platform for sharing insights, strategies, and innovations in the educational sector. The NAEO required high-quality video recordings of all sessions to be made available for an on-demand virtual conference, ensuring accessibility for members who could not attend in person. The brief from the NAEO outlined the need for multi-camera coverage of the main hall and smaller seminar rooms, capturing every detail including the full-screen PowerPoint Presentations and ensuring seamless integration into their virtual conference platform.

Challenges Faced by the NAEO

Hosting a large-scale conference involves numerous logistical and technical challenges, especially when the goal is to produce high-quality video recordings for later use. The NAEO needed a reliable partner who could:

  1. Provide Professional Multi-Camera Event Coverage: Ensure comprehensive and professional coverage of all sessions, capturing every speaker, panel discussion, and audience interaction.
  2. Maintain High-Quality Standards: Produce videos with exceptional clarity and sound quality suitable for on-demand viewing.
  3. Manage Technical Logistics: Handle the setup and operation of advanced recording equipment in both the main hall and smaller seminar rooms without disrupting the event’s flow.
  4. Ensure Timely Delivery: Deliver the final edited videos promptly, allowing the NAEO to launch their virtual conference without delay.

Innobella Media’s Approach

Innobella Media was selected to meet the NAEO’s requirements due to our proven track record in delivering high-quality video production services for conferences and corporate events. Our approach involved meticulous planning and execution to ensure we met and exceeded the client’s expectations.

Pre-Event Planning

Understanding the importance of capturing every detail, our team conducted a thorough site survey of the Leeds United Football Ground. This enabled us to identify optimal camera positions and plan the setup for seamless coverage. We coordinated closely with the venue’s events team and the NAEO to finalise the schedule and ensure we were prepared for every session.

Professional Multi-Camera Coverage

On the day of the event, our team arrived early to set up advanced recording equipment, including multiple cameras, audio capture devices, and monitoring systems. The multi-camera setup allowed us to capture different angles, ensuring a dynamic and engaging final product. Our experienced crew managed the equipment with precision, ensuring uninterrupted coverage throughout the conference.

High-Quality Production

Post-production is a critical phase in ensuring the final videos meet the highest standards. Our team meticulously edited the footage, enhancing the video and audio quality to ensure clarity and professionalism. We also integrated graphics and titles to provide context and aid viewer engagement.

Timely Delivery

Understanding the importance of timely delivery, we streamlined our post-production process to ensure the final videos were ready promptly. The edited videos were delivered ahead of schedule, allowing the NAEO to launch their on-demand virtual conference without any delays.

Client Satisfaction and Feedback

The NAEO and their members were extremely satisfied with the quality of the on-demand videos. The comprehensive coverage, high production standards, and timely delivery exceeded their expectations. The virtual conference received positive feedback from members who appreciated the ability to access the valuable content at their convenience.


Innobella Media is proud to have partnered again with the NAEO to support their summer conference with professional video production services. By understanding the client’s needs, meticulously planning, and delivering high-quality results, we helped ensure the success of their virtual conference. This case study highlights our commitment to excellence and our capability to handle complex video production projects for conferences and corporate events.

Contact Us

For more information on our video production services and how we can support your next event, get in touch and we’d love to have a chat about how we can help.

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