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Innobella Media is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and conducting our business with integrity. This Whistleblowing Policy encourages and protects employees who report suspected wrongdoing within the company.

What is Whistleblowing?

Whistleblowing is when an employee raises concerns about wrongdoing that is happening, or is likely to happen, within Innobella Media. This could include:

  • A criminal offence, such as fraud or theft.
  • A breach of health and safety regulations.
  • Damage to the environment.
  • A miscarriage of justice.
  • The company breaking the law.
  • Someone covering up wrongdoing.

Who is Protected?

This policy protects all employees of Innobella Media, whether permanent, temporary, or contracted. It also protects workers who are supplied by an employment agency and are working at our premises.

How to Report Concerns

You can report a concern in any of the following ways:

  • Speak to your manager: They can help you understand the policy and may be able to resolve the issue informally.
  • Report to the HR Department: You can raise your concern confidentially with a member of the HR team.

What We Guarantee

We will treat all reports of wrongdoing seriously and investigate them thoroughly. You will not be penalised or discriminated against for raising a concern in good faith. We will maintain confidentiality to the best of our ability throughout the investigation process.

What We Cannot Guarantee

We cannot guarantee that you will not experience any negative consequences as a result of whistleblowing. However, we will take all reasonable steps to protect you from any retaliation.

False or Malicious Allegations

Making false or malicious allegations is a serious offence. We will investigate any such allegations and may take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


Innobella Media is committed to providing a work environment where employees feel safe to report wrongdoing. We believe that a culture of openness and integrity is essential for our continued success.


This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically as needed.


If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the HR Department.

Remember, you are not alone. We encourage you to speak up if you see something wrong.